Naama Vered, Head of Product Development, Vered Hasharon Travel Group

Naama Vered

A cornerstone of Epic Explorations’ “Circle of Trust,” Naama Vered and her team at Vered Hasharon Travel Group bring decades of expertise and an unparalleled passion for curating transformative travel experiences. With a foundation deeply rooted in Israel, Vered Hasharon has grown into a global leader in crafting unforgettable journeys. From pilgrimage tours to cultural adventures, their team meticulously designs every detail to ensure each trip resonates on a personal level.

Naama’s dedication to understanding her clients’ needs, combined with her ability to create authentic and meaningful connections through travel, makes her a trusted ally in delivering journeys that inspire. Her commitment to excellence and personalized service aligns seamlessly with Epic Explorations’ mission of offering not just travel, but unforgettable adventures infused with purpose.

When you work with Naama and Vered Hasharon Travel Group, you’re not just embarking on a trip—you’re stepping into a story, with each chapter filled with discovery, connection, and lasting memories.